Give Yourself Permission to Be More of Yourself With a Little Help From Indiana Jones

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Everyone Needs an Adventure Hat


The Indiana Jones series are some of my all time favorite movies.

I always liked how they set up the entire story line from the beginning with Indiana calmly teaching his college class from the front of the room, lecturing as a mild-mannered professor that he is. Then, later when he decides to embark on his next adventure, he ventures to his closet to grab his hat, whip and satchel. Its the equivalent of when Batman descends to the bat cave to don his armor or Spider-man pulls the mask over his face. Its the moment where transformation takes place.

I think there’s something about that hat that we identify with. When you think of Indiana Jones, you remember the hat. A dusty, beat up Fedora made of beaver felt that by the sheer sight of it you know it has seen its share of adventure. If only that Fedora could talk.

It’s not that hat itself – its what the hat represents. It has magical powers to transform a buttoned up college professor into, well, Indiana Jones. Without the hat, he’s just professor Jones. When the hat goes on, he becomes the fearless adventurer who takes on the world with his wits, a bull whip, a wry smile, and occasionally a revolver.

Hats are more than a clothing accessory. Hats are the defining piece of any costume. The hat can be a symbol, a crown, a representation of what the wearer is all about. Its a permission slip to be yourself with a little (or a lot) of exaggeration.

The photo above is of my leather Minnetonka folder (on the right) that I bought in some sleepy northern Wisconsin town on a getaway years ago. I call it my adventure hat. I wear it on specific occasions – namely when I’m going kayaking, backpacking or hiking. After I load up the car with piles of gear, I stuff the family in the back and take my position in the cockpit. I pause, place the adventure hat on my head, say a blessing for safe travels and hit the gas.

The hat is part of the adventure, and it has stories to tell. It hangs on my wall as a reminder of experiences had and adventures to come. Its a trophy, a badge and a muse.

What about you? What gives you permission to transform? Tell us about it in the comments.

Stay unruly.

About the Author: Brandon

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