The People You Meet on the Way to Pursuing Your Ridiculous Dream

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Hiking the Badlands of South Dakota
Hiking the Badlands of South Dakota

Last night we arrived in Yellowstone National Park in Montana after driving from an RV park in Cody, Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota before that. It was a long day and we stopped way more times than necessary as we cannot seem to pass a Walmart without getting sucked in no matter how hard we try.

Since the kids devoured ever last chip, pretzel, trail mix M&M and sunflower seed in the truck, we decided to stop for food. Kids are always hungry. Always. I was able to squirrel away a very small bag of sunflower seeds without them noticing just to have some sort of sustenance for the long drive. A man has to survive after all.

A view from the top of Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota
A view from the top of Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota

We were already on the edge a bit since the kids love to thumb their noses at whatever restaurant mom and dad choose that does not have a giant yellow ‘M’ out in front of it. The only fast-food-type restaurant that the kids actually like and that leans on the healthier side is Subway.

I circled the downtown block of Cody, Wyoming twice just to find the elusive Subway. The closest I got was a little deli that looked like it might not cost that much and offer good food. My youngest of course was appalled at the idea of NOT going to Subway since I said we were going.  He was not letting us forget it.

While we were heading towards the deli, I noticed another RV that was parked on the side of the road with 4 kids pouring out of it. I thought it was peculiar since school had already started. Could it be another family of nomads rolling across the landscape in search of a gypsy lifestyle?

Five minutes later the family walked into the same deli we were in. I decided to play my hunch and asked the husband, “Are you guys full-timing?” A resounding “Yes!” and big smile crossed his face as we introduced ourselves.

Come to find out they’re a family from California who had just started their full-time RV journey 4 weeks ago just as we did. He (Gary Rea) is a talented musician who travels to churches to lead worship services. They were on their way to their next church and then heading east through the US visiting more on the way. They too had left it all to travel full-time. They too had had a fairly bumpy start – but they were all still smiling.

Wild mushroom found off the Harney Peak Trail
Wild mushroom found off the Harney Peak Trail

What was immensely rewarding after lunch was over, after we had chatted, exchanged contact info and said our goodbyes, my profoundly deep and infinitely combative 8-year-old spoke up and said something to the effect of, “You know, we would have never have met them if we would have found that Subway.”


Who do you meet on the path to pursuing your ridiculous dream? Others just like you perhaps. Other kindred spirits who show up in some not-so-chance meetings arranged by God, the universe, karma, fate, or whatever you believe – to spur you on and to keep you from talking too much common sense back into your head and, at worst, talking yourself out of anything.

Others who remind you through a knowing glance and a wry smile that says without words, “Yeah, I’m barking mad crazy nuts just like you. Keep it up and keep going.”

Stay Unruly.

About the Author: Brandon

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  1. Awesome. Isn’t it awesome when a child has that “wow” moment and as parents we think, “See we do know what we are doing.”

    Thanks for the updates.

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